Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Whole Month

As of today - we have had Lori for exactly 1 month.  On Feb 22 - our lives changed forever.  On March 22 - we are all adjusting just fine.  How would you be if one month ago, a group of Chinese strangers came and took you away from everything you had ever known??  When you think about it like that - the fact that she is laughing with her sister in the background behind me right now seems like an amazing transition on her behalf. 

Tomorrow, we go to St Louis' Central Institute for the Deaf.  She will have a full audiological evaluation and they will determine Lori's type and severity of hearing loss.  Pray for great news!  We are so hopeful that there are some great options for her.  Or, better yet, complete - miraculous healing!!

On a different note - the story of Lori's Linens is going to be included in a new book coming out featuring Adoption Fundraising.  How exciting!  The author is Julie Gumm and I'll keep our bloggy friends updated.

In case you are interested - this Sunday night at 7:00 - we will be recounting our entire Adoption Journey at Trinity Baptist Church.  If you've read our blog since the beginning - you've heard it all - but if not, please come and listen. 

I was thinking this week about how our family has changed.  Forever.  In a good way - but it feels weird.  Going from 5 to 6 kids has been a breeze.  Really, after 3 - its really not a big difference.  Once outnumbered - always outnumbered.  After 3, someone always stands the chance of getting left behind at the gas station bathroom (remember the old Brady Bunch episode?)

What I mean is that I just can't shake what I saw I China.  I just can't stop thinking about those babies who have no one.  Sure, they have caretakers - really good ones - but no one who calls themselves Mom or Dad.  No one to see them through this messy thing called "life" (except Jesus, or course - but you know what I mean).  I feel like I should be doing more.  I feel like I should already be filling out the paperwork for the next adoption.  I feel like I should be booking my next flight to China.  I feel like I should be the voice for these sweet babies and help find them a home.  I sense a change in our home.  Jay keeps talking about what to do.  Madison keeps talking about what to do.  The little kids talk about the next baby and whether they want a brother or a sister.  When did we become so cRaZy about adoption, and orphans, and raising money, and taking international trips, and Chinese food - I bought a whole bunch of rice at the grocery store today!  Why?  Because I left a piece of my heart in China and I am trying to feel connected to that beautiful country the best way I know how.  I do not know if I will ever return, or when, or how, etc.......but the smell of rice, the sight of Chinese symbols, the thought of Hutongs, and the touch of my little Asain baby bring me back.  Back to the moments that changed us forever.  I wonder often what time it is in China. 

1 comment:

  1. I first wanted to say that the Almond family is very happy for your family! Lori is just adorable!! I also had to comment on this post. I SO understand what you shared about your experience in China and the connection that you feel to China and your passion for the children waiting for a forever family. It is hard to know these things and want to help, knowing you can't do it all. Yet even what one family does can make a HUGE difference! Our family is excited about orphan care as well and are praying for opportunities to serve as God leads.
    Blessings to your family!
    Trish Almond
